Please ensure you have a VALID BILLING AND SHIPPING ADDRESS. If you already have an ORCA store account, please login if renewing. If you are a new member, purchasing a membership will automatically create a store account and register you for all membership services.
U. S. A. Memberships
U.S.A. – One Calendar Year $40.00 – includes both hardcopy Reel News and full digital access
U.S.A. – Sustaining One Calendar Year $100.00 – You can show your support for ORCA by electing the sustaining level. In addition to standard membership features, sustaining members will receive recognition in the annual ORCA Membership Directory and complementary choice of any one of the following ORCA store items: ORCA T-shirt, ORCA hat, ORCA Patches.
U.S.A. – Premium One Calendar Year $300.00 – recognition in the annual ORCA Membership Directory and complementary choice of any one of the following ORCA store items: ORCA T-shirt, ORCA hat, ORCA Patches. Choice of either one complimentary Registration for the Annual ORCA Convention or a gift membership to any US resident and a $25 gift certificate for the ORCA store.
U.S.A. – Three Calendar Years $120.00
U.S.A. – Lifetime Membership $1,000.00 – Lifetime memberships provide full ORCA membership and benefits for the life of the member. They support ORCA financially. The board will recognize life members in the directory and in the annual meetings.
International and Canada Membership:
Canada/International – One Calendar Year – Hardcopy Reel News – $75.00
Canada/International – One Calendar Year – Digital Only Reel News $40.00
Canada/International – Three Calendar Year $225.00
Canada/International – Three Calendar Year – Digital Only Reel News $120.00
Canada/International – Lifetime Membership – Digital Only Reel News $1,000.00 – Lifetime memberships provide full ORCA membership and benefits for the life of the member. They support ORCA financially. The board will recognize life members in the directory and in the annual meetings.